Introducing Aurora Sound Company
The vacuum tube has invented in 1904 by John Fleming . Two years later,
Lee Forest invented Triod and it opened the era of radio broadcasting and audio amplifiers. Vacuum Tube enjoyed golden ages in 1950-60s. Then, in 1948, the Transistor which is called as "Rice of Industry" has got birth to the world and flourished semi-conductor ages as we live today.
which semiconductors cannot bit, the vacuum tube has survived among
audio mania and formed a unique area in audio equipment in recent days. However, instead of being busy to follow the manufacturing methods and copy sounds of the past, our company created a better set of sounds by adding modern stream of technology and it adds pleasure of listening.

Product Philosophy
People say, "there is no development, if there is no change." Everything is changing nowadays, and the vacuum tube is changing too. Therefore, it is essential that the amplifier manufacturing technologies should parallel with the development of tubes. The most important aspect of a vacuum tube amplifiers are-- pair-matching technique of various kind tubes and the designing output transformers. Those are Aurora Sounds' core technique which cannot be accomplished without continuous efforts and long experience.
Superior Sound
Our company now has most outstanding technologies in the variable-tuning technologies of vacuum tubes, and innovative technologies in designing of output transformers. Up until just a few years ago, people did not admit it a good equipment if we don't use "foreign, major-brand" output transformer in our amplifier. But now, the prejudice has gone. People recognized and changed mind after hearing our audio equiment's superior sound which has our own output transformer.
We will continue to keep the finest craftsmanship. Our products are guaranteed "to use from generation to generation" Our motto is "to produce excellent audio machines by using any common vacuum tubes tuned through our company's pair-matching technologies. Further, in some of our high-end amplifier's circuits are designed in two different ways-- depending on the countries or depending on customer's request-- we are mixing both the "hard-wiring" technique and "printed circuit board (PCB)" in a same amplifier, which is rarely found in any other product in foreign countries.
We will be responsible for the after service for the product we sold without time-limit. Also, we continue to have the ceaseless experimental spirit on the product. It is our philosophy that customers are not only objects we sell our product to but they are our family. Aurora Sound promises to give you pleasure and satisfaction as ever.
Thank you very much!